Channel: police – Smell the Truth
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Police make more arrests for pot than all violent crimes

Despite the push for further marijuana legalization throughout the U.S., a new study finds that arrests for possessing small amounts of pot outnumbered those made for all violent crimes combined in...

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Majority of police support reforming marijuana laws, survey finds

Despite recording a high volume of marijuana-related arrests, new data finds that the majority of the law enforcement community are now in support of marijuana legalization. A Pew Research Center...

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California introduces bill to block police from assisting federal raids on...

Fearing the recent anti-marijuana comments made by members of the Trump administration, a group of California lawmakers have introduced a bill to make sure state law enforcement doesn’t end up working...

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More Americans arrested for marijuana than all violent crimes, federal data...

Despite the further spread of marijuana legalization throughout the U.S., pot-related arrests are on the rise. According to FBI data released on Monday, arrests made for marijuana-related offenses...

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Colorado’s new police dogs are trained to ignore pot

Colorado’s new breed of police dogs are now being trained to disregard the smell of legal marijuana. The city of Rifle’s police department has introduced two new drug-sniffing dogs that won’t respond...

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Illinois police threaten to kill hundreds of drug-sniffing dogs if state...

Some Illinois police officers fear that their drug-searching K-9 counterparts will have to be put down if the state decides to legalize marijuana. The training director of an Illinois K-9 academy said...

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NYC cops reportedly instructed to stop arresting people for smoking marijuana

New York City cops have been told to end arrests due to smoking marijuana in public. A City Hall aide told CNN that NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio has directed the New York Police Department to stop...

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Police in legal marijuana states are better at solving crimes, study finds

New research suggests that police are more effective at their jobs in states that have adopted legal cannabis laws. In a study published this month in the journal Police Quarterly, the legal marijuana...

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California’s legal marijuana delivery services threatened by police and unions

A group of California police chiefs have launched a campaign to stop Californians from obtaining legal cannabis from delivery services. The California Police Chiefs Association have joined the League...

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Missouri police raid cancer patient’s hospital room for marijuana, viral...

Viral footage shows a group of Missouri policemen searching through a terminal cancer patient’s belongings for marijuana. Nolan Sousley, a stage-four pancreatic cancer patient admitted to the Citizens...

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